If you have made some New Year’s Resolutions and set some goals for 2022, momentum is on your side. Congratulations! Now, what happens when life gets in the way and you hit a roadblock? How do you recover and get back on track?
If you are pursuing ambitious goals, chances are good that there will be roadblocks on your path. Learning to course correct and make the most of detours is a crucial skill in achieving your goals.
I hit a roadblock last week in the form of a season ending ski injury, which delays me from pursuing three important personal and professional goals. After a brief pity party, I jumped into action to revise my goals. My path and milestones are different now, but once again, I have achievable goals. Here are my 5 tips to make a life detour lead to success.
Take Control
If the circumstances of a roadblock are out of your control, then focus on what you can control, which is your reaction and attitude. After a brief period of disappointment, you have the option to focus on the positive. Assess where you are and take stock of what is possible.
Revise Your Timeline
A roadblock might simply require a new timeline or additional steps to overcome. It might also require a goal to be reset or drastically altered. A realistic evaluation of the situation with a can-do attitude will help you determine your new plan. You might even come up with new meaningful goals from the experience.
Ask For Help
Roadblocks and detours are often marked with signage to help us find our way back to the main road. When you hit a life detour, it’s important to get help as well. There are personal trainers, nutritionists, certified life coaches, financial planners and other resources that you can tap to get back on track. Asking for help is a sign of strength and determination!
Commit to Your New Path
It’s not easy to hit a roadblock and course correct on personal and professional goals. Renewed dedication and commitment to move forward is necessary. Maintaining enthusiasm for a new plan is essential. Keep your eye on the prize.
Celebrate Success
We often take disappointments to heart and forget to celebrate success. Acknowledging achievements with meaningful rewards is extremely important. Give yourself credit for taking control, resetting after a roadblock, asking for help, and committing to a new outcome. After the celebration, it will be time to set another audacious goal.
How have you successfully navigated a life detour in the past? What helped you get back on track after a roadblock?